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The Fàrie di Checo is very remote forge: the first document that testifies the existence dates back to 1426. The name by which it is known, "Checo", refers to the penultimate owner, Francesco Dassi, who has taken over in 1902. In addition he worked on the son and grandson Candido Silverio. In 1966, due to a flood that made it impossible for the water supply, the workshop became permanently unusable. It was then transferred to the Mountain Community of Carnia, who took charge of its restructuring. Today the Fàrie di Checo is a remarkable testimony to the historical-ethnographic available to tourists and school groups.

Even today, as before, the Fàrie the mechanisms are operated by hydraulic, that is, the force of water flowing into irrigation ditch outside leaning against the building: water, slides through that open from the inside, if necessary swoops on drive wheel loaders giving movement to the drive shafts connected to the work tools still exist and fully functional: the bellows, the anvil, the grinding wheel. (Description taken from www.carniamusei.org)
This former mill (XVI-XVII century.) is located on the regional road leading to Ravascletto, a few meters from the exit of  Cercivento di Sopra. Of particular interest is the mechanical structure, also has "pilaorzo"; the mill was active until the early '60s and is now recovering.
Behind the cemetery of the village, along the road leading to Mount Tenchia, there is a monument in memory of the four alpine executed on July 1st 1916. The 109th Company Monte Arvenis, formed largely by local soldiers, had suggested to desist from an insane attack on top of Mount Cellon proposing an alternative action: this initiative, however, it was interpreted by captain Armando Cioffi and his deputy lieutenant Pietro Pasinetti as an act of insubordination and rebellion.
For violating Article 114 of the Military Penal Code ("revolt in face of the enemy"), were thus condemned to death Corporal Gaetano Silvio Ortis, corporals Basilio Matiz and Giovan Battista Corradazzi and the soldier Angelo Massaro.
Along the streets and in the green areas of the village, you will see many sculptures made between 2000 and 2007 at various symposia; the works represent and interpret, in classic and modern style, its themes of culture and folklore of the village. As well as those of local artists, are reported among those signatures by internationally renowned sculptors, from Romania, China, South Korea, Laos and Argentina. Most of the sculptures is made in "Grigio Carnico" stone, some works have been hand carved in the characteristic "Red Marble Verzegnis".

Farie di Checo (Ph. Nicola Silverio - www.nicolasilveriofotografo.it)
Farie di Checo  (Ph. Nicola Silverio - www.nicolasilveriofotografo.it)
Mulino di Croce
Monumento ai fucilati
Doppio sogno (La pietra di confine) - Dumitru Ion Serban, Romania
Fatta di danza - Pablo Garelli, Argentina
Forma n. 9 - Zhao Li, Cina
Il rospo - Alfredo Pecile, Italia
In-Canto - Sandro Piermarini, Italia
La fata danzante - Huyng Van Hoang, Laos
La fata smemorina - Elena Faleschini, Italia
Su le cime della Tenca, per le fate è un bel danzar... - Willy Bossi, Italia
Suono nel tempo - Seung Woo Hwang, Corea del Sud

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